Detailed overview for synthetic voice class activity

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Background: This is a creative and competitive activity which, alongside technical issues, seeks to explore how you deliver under time limitations. You will make a synthetic voice in any language which sounds interesting/engaging (whatever that means) and we will vote on a winner. You can work individually or in groups. You can work on any language.

The winning team/s get an extra point on their final grade (in addition to the points allocated for this activity as per the syllabus).

Instructions[edit | edit source]

  1. Make a synthetic voice as per instructions. If you cannot do this, find another way. There are many ways to make synthetic voices. You have limited time to do it so don't delay. The voice should say two things: 1) a single sentence and 2) 5-10 sentences
  2. Customize parameters such as language, speed, and voice to make the synthetic voice as engaging as possible. Consider adding pauses or other sounds. Consider other tools like Praat to add / manipulate pitch contours. Don't be afraid to experiment and be creative. Think about the emotion or tone that best suits your chosen text.
  3. Save 2 audio files to google drive folder with your (team's) name(s) (see bullet 1)
  4. We will then listen to and rate the audio in class.