Talking Clock Assignment

From MSc Voice Technology
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The assignment is integrated across the two courses Intro to Voice Technology and Programming for Voice Technology, with each course assessing different components of the assignment.

Introduction to Voice Technology:

  • Audio recording and language support: Conceptualization, and recording quality.
  • User Experience and Customization: This covers the user experience of components 1,3 and 4 without considering any code.
  • Non-Technical Documentation: Team organization and project workflow (component 7.2), GUI user manual (component 7.4) and Licensing statement / reflection FAIR data (component 7.5)

For details on how the talking clock is graded in the Intro to Voice Technology course, see the rubric.

Programming for Voice Technology:

  • Code quality: This covers the technical assessment of components 1, 3, 4 and 5
  • GitHub Collaboration
  • Technical Documentation: The installation instructions and dependency handling (component 7.1), and the resource documentation and technical reflection (component 7.3)


  • Additional Python resources
  • Recommended text-to-speech libraries or APIs
  • Tutorials on audio recording
  • GitHub guides for version control
  • Open-source licensing guides


  • This is a group assignment. All group members are expected to contribute equally. Using GitHub, each team members contribution can be traced.
  • Consider the integration of skills acquired in both courses for a comprehensive project.
  • Each group will present their project in a short video demonstration